Robinson Toyota is Help Making Strides Against Breast Cancer!

Robinson Toyota is Help Making Strides Against Breast Cancer!

Robinson Toyota is Help Making Strides Against Breast Cancer!

As discussed in one of our previous blog posts, our dealership was donating money throughout the entire month of October in order to raise breast cancer awareness and to support the fight against this awful disease that has touched so many lives. Our goal here at Robinson Toyota throughout Breast Cancer Awareness Month was to raise $5,000, and we are absolutely thrilled that we were in fact able to far surpass this goal by no small margin!

Our dealership is extremely pleased to announce that we officially raised $7,000 during the month of October, all of which directly supports fighting breast cancer and raising awareness. Raising a whopping $2,000 more than our targeted goal of $5,000 is truly amazing, and we are very proud of the efforts of both our staff and customers here at Robinson Toyota for all that was donated. This is proof that when we all work together, we certainly can be strong together as well.

You are welcome to give us a call at (877) 425-3120 if you would like to learn more about the fundraising efforts and charitable work that we proudly are involved with!

November 20, 2017
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